Return Guidelines

Dear Valued Vendor,
In an effort to improve our return to vendor process and better our vendor  experience we have made a few tweaks to our return to vendor process. 
As stated in our seller  contract  any items fulfilling the conditions below will be returned to you.
  • Shipped items that are not successfully delivered to the customer or are returned by customers.
  • Items in our warehouse that have not been sold for more than 3 months
  • Items that are defective/DOA, have missing parts/freebies, are not genuine or simply do not correspond to what the customer ordered .
  • Items taken to the service center and not fixed within 10 days
  Delivery fails.
  • Delivery fails and returns will be picked from the place (Hub) the order was dropped at eg If you dropped an order at CBD you will pick the item at CBD.
  • If Jumia picks orders from you, your returns will be brought back to your premises. 
  • Please always ask for your returns when dropping off your current orders.
  • Items will be taken to our warehouse in Mombasa road from all hubs in case not picked within 7 days of first notification. In this case the vendor will be required to pick the item at the warehouse in Mombasa road within a maximum of 14 days. If the item is not picked within 14 days Jumia will start legal procedures for forfeiture (take ownership of the items).
  • Please check your items before leaving the hub and raise any disputes or reject the item if it doesn't  respect the return conditions stipulated in the contract.
Returns from inventory
In case you have your items stored in our warehouse you can request your items within 3 days.  You will get a notification once they are ready for pick up. You will be expected to pick the items within 7 days from notification date. If the item is not picked within 14 days Jumia will start legal procedures for forfeiture i.e take ownership of the items.
Rejected Returns
Incase you reject any item for any partciluar reason contact us on [email protected] or call us on 0709726000   it will be taken back to the warehouse for quality check.  If the rejection reason is valid  we will make payments with your next payment cycle. If invalid  we will contact you to pick the items and start the forfeiture process if not picked.
How do you track your returns and delivery fails on drop shipping.
  1. Jumia will send you notification of any item ready for pick up or drop off. In case you get to a hub with the notification message and the item is not available please contact [email protected] or  call us on. 0709726000.
  2. Through your seller center.Click on any delivery fail order , a tracking link will be shown. Click on it a it will show you the progress of the order and the current location of the order.